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Friday, February 16, 2024)

【Messages from Animal Shelter】 Released on February 15, 2024
《Due to breaking the vase, the owner left the wet and convulsing puppy there》
A woman saw a puppy lying twitching next to a ditch and called us there to help him. When we
arrived we couldn't hold back our tears when we saw the puppy lying there. The following days
were the days when miracles happened to us, that puppy always surprised us with his great
inner strength and he was very close to the finish line of victory.
※twitch: if a part of your body twitches, or if you twitch it, it makes a sudden quick movement,
     sometimes one that you cannot control

Is it true that the more developed our society, the more heartless we humans become? As more
and more dogs are being abused, abused and abandoned by humans. Dogs are our friends, they
are always loyal and love us unconditionally. Whether we are rich or poor, we are strong or weak,
they will be with us until the very end. Animal Shelters is a place where animal lovers can meet
and talk, listen to inspirational stories about dogs with extraordinary energy, and inspire people
to fall in love with them. If you can, please support the rescuers with the information described
under each video. We are working every day so that we humans have more love and faith in the
beautiful life.

 This puppy cried loudly and convulsed. They said his owner wanted to abandon him. But this
puppy always waits at the gate. The owner used a stick. He then left the dog right in this ditch.
Passersby were indifferent. This puppy was barely breathing at that time. His body was wet and
his eyes were closed. I thought I was late. Why would they do this to a puppy? My mood at that
time was like a fire. I'm waiting for my teammates to arrive. It was only 5 minutes but it felt like
an hour. There were many maggots on his neck. They appeared in his wounds. There is so much
pain with this little puppy. I cried helplessly and couldn't do anything. The doctor took him to the
intensive care unit. Everything was so fragile. His temperature kept dropping. "At least he was
there 2 days," said the doctor. And the head was affected by external forces. It made him lose
his sanity. We stayed up all night and prayed. The next day, he regained consciousness. But
involuntary seizures continued. The doctor said it was best to put him to sleep. "No, it can't be,"
I told the doctor. We transferred him to another vet. We only have fragile hope but will not give up.
Luckily, by day 3, he was better. The boy tried to be able to eat. Neck wound caused by sharp
object. He slept like a baby in my arms. The boy is feeling in his mother's lap. He feels safe and
warm when he is with me. The puppy has a strong desire to live. Chance of survival increased
from 5% to 35%. I also reported his case to the authorities. His owner has to face what he did.
There are many questions I want to ask him. Hazro is improving day by day. The doctor was
amazed at his recovery. His struggle is beyond description. He has a big brave heart in a small
body. Those were our peaceful moments together. At that time, he still couldn't stand up. We will
find a way to help him. We have come a very long way. We entered the rehabilitation process.
Those were extremely difficult days. There was a lot of sweat and tears shed. This little boy has
always tried his best. Not for a moment did he want to give up. What he is going through is
overwhelming. But the results he brings are always amazing. The seizures have almost stopped.
His owner will have tough times ahead. He said he didn't do it on purpose. He said that this puppy
broke his vase. "But he's a naughty puppy," he had said. This innocent puppy doesn't understand
why. He just cried in front of the house gate. Injuries affecting the cerebellum. It will be a long
journey of recovery ahead for him. And we were discharged from the vet. There are friends here
like him. The sad stories behind are the same. They all have the same dream. That is happiness
and peace. Nutrition plays an important role in recovery. Every day he is fed several meals. It will
help him stay healthy to practice. We always believe in a bright future. Every day that passes is
a happy day for us. Let's pray together for a miracle to come to Hazro.

 Why does a little dog like him have to try hard to recover from his injuries? Maybe he was hit
with a stick by the cruel owner. His sufferings must have come from the injuries he got to the
brain. I'm so sorry about the little boy. I sincerely wish him tons of happiness and good luck and
health. I also hope he'll be able to live a happy life with his rescuer and his handicapped friends
living together. Please God bless him and his companions.

※convulse: to cause a sudden shaking movement in someone's body; to make this movement
※sanity: the state of having a normal healthy mind
※involuntary: an involuntary movement, etc. is made suddenly, without you intending it or
       being able to control it
※cause: to make something happen, especially something bad or unpleasant
※cerebellum: the part of the brain at the back of the head that controls the acctivity of the muscles

(Saturday, February 17, 2024)

【Messages from Animal Shelter】 Released on February 16, 2024
《Refusing to leave, blind mama dog suffered and believed her owner would return》
Garbage collection workers found mother dog Sofi in a landfill, the dog was sitting in a cardboard
box as if waiting for someone. We went there and took her to the vet and the truth was revealed
later. With everything we can, we try to help her overcome the difficulties and challenges so that
she can restart the good life she once dreamed of.
※landfill: an area of land where large amounts of waste material are buried under the earth

Is it true that the more developed our society, the more heartless we humans become? As more
and more dogs are being abused, abused and abandoned by humans. Dogs are our friends, they
are always loyal and love us unconditionally. Whether we are rich or poor, we are strong or weak,
they will be with us until the very end. Animal Shelters is a place where animal lovers can meet
and talk, listen to inspirational stories about dogs with extraordinary energy, and inspire people
to fall in love with them. If you can, please support the rescuers with the information described
under each video. We are working every day so that we humans have more love and faith in the
beautiful life.

 This dog was left in a landfill like a toy. The strange thing was that she just sat in there. Whether
it's sunny or rainy, she still won't leave. Is she waiting for her owner? She has been here for at
least 3 days. Then I understood why she was abandoned. Her skin is rough and hairless. There
were also open wounds on the skin. Did they not want to treat this dog? Luckily there was a
worker who helped her. They fed her and called me for help. She said that this dog is waiting for
someone. Her eyes were almost stuck together. The eyes were red and unresponsive. Both her
eyes were in the same condition. They left her here instead of on the street. We took her to the
vet immediately after. And her condition was extremely serious. Even the doctor didn't believe it.
She could barely see anything. She also had severe otitis media. Her body had a lot of swelling,
especially in her head and legs. And the reproductive area became inflamed. Her skin was severely
covered in scabies. She itches and scratches it. Look at her toenails. She was so hungry that she
ate in a hurry. How long has it been since she was full? We have the doctor's final conclusion. And
everyone was shocked by that truth. She has given birth to many litters. The last time was just
about 60 days ago. Turns out they just wanted to make a profit. She had to separate her little
puppies. Her story was filled with tears. Her eyes also had minor surgery. Next we will need to
treat her skin. Her eyes had improved a lot by then. She was extremely happy to see me visit. She
has never been loved and cared for. She trusts me and considers me her relative. Treatment has
brought positive results. Scabies was then almost cured. Her face was no longer swollen. More
importantly, her eyes could see clearly again. I was so afraid she would go blind. What I was
worried about did not come true. And soon happiness came to us. We found a kind family to adopt
her. These two beautiful women knew her story. They seemed to have known each other before.
And she has a new name Sofi. A beautiful new life awaits her. Her life will get better and better.
She also has a friend who lives there. They became a close pair of friends. They go everywhere
together. We also reported her case. It seemed like they left her there at night. Finding out who
is behind it is difficult. This landfill is far from residential areas. They left her here on purpose.
Dogs always consider us everything. They love us unconditiionally. Love and protect the dog next
to you. And you will get magic back from them. That miracle is called love. And Sofi found the love
of her life.

 I was also worried that Sofi might go blind because she had too many problem with her health.
She gave birth to a lot of puppies, but they were taken away by cruel guys to make money. But
a very big happiness was waiting for her. Her eyes were completely healed and she was adopted
by kind women. She will never be able to have any more babies, but I really hope that her puppies
will have happy lives somewhere with some good people. I sincerely wish Sofi and her adoptive
family and her friend there tons of happiness and good luck and health. May her days in the future
be merry and bright. Please God bless them all.

※otitis: (medical) a painful swelling of the ear, caused by an infection
※otitis media: 中耳炎
※reprocudtive: connected with producing babies, young animals or plants
※inflamed: (of a part of the body) painful, swollen, and hot because of infection or injury

(Sunday, February 18, 2024)

【Messages from Animal Shelter】 Released on February 17, 2024
《At the cemetery, the puppy knelt and begged to save his two dying sisters》
Luckily we found three puppies abandoned at a cemetery, we immediately took the three puppies
to the hospital for examination and treatment. All three puppies received good medical care and
love from doctors. Through our efforts we have given them a new, better and happier life, their
mother will feel secure knowing about it.
※ an area of land used for burying dead people, especially one that is not beside a church

Is it true that the more developed our society, the more heartless we humans become? As more
and more dogs are being abused, abused and abandoned by humans. Dogs are our friends, they
are always loyal and love us unconditionally. Whether we are rich or poor, we are strong or weak,
they will be with us until the very end. Animal Shelters is a place where animal lovers can meet
and talk, listen to inspirational stories about dogs with extraordinary energy, and inspire people
to fall in love with them. If you can, please support the rescuers with the information described
under each video. We are working every day so that we humans have more love and faith in the
beautiful life.

 3 desperate puppies were found in a cemetery. These 2 weak puppies could only hug each
other. The other puppy was stronger and climbed out. It barked weakly to protect its younger
sisters. They have collapsed and lost hope. Their eyes were full of confusion and fear. They tried
to bite me in self-defense. They were very small, only about 1 month old. Where is the mother of
these puppies? I was really extremely worried about them. Can they get through this? Just as I
was worried, they were in danger. They have mange and fungal infections. The biggest concern is
that there were a lot of worms. Many days of starvation make them emaciated. Perhaps this is
the best meal of their lives. Their skin will take days of treatment. I bought them warm and
beautiful shirts. For the first time in their lives, they see toys. They were all very curious and
timid before it. "Is this edible?" they smell and think. The eldest brother was always the boldest.
Feeling safe, he called his sisters. They played happily that afternoon. They need to be thoroughly
tested. I'm afraid of inflammatory bowel disease. They will be dangerous if they get that disease.
Besides, they will be happy together. That is in case no one is there. But they will be scared when
they see strangers. It is very difficult to have faith in them. Besides, bathing them was a challenge.
They are very scared when in water. They are given a medicated bath every day. This helps their
skin improve a lot. The itching doesn't bother them anymore. They are changing dramatically
every day. They look so beautiful, don't they? Things were going well for them. We tried many
times to find their mother. But there are no dogs around that cemetery. Someone left these
puppies there on purpose. They have certainly been neglected. We named each puppy in turn.
"Meet Rubi." "Holly." "Flint." They are ready for a new journey. 《Some time later》 The puppies
are completely healthy. They gained weight and completely recovered. It's hard to tell that this is
them. Their transformation is amazing. We returned home not long after. They will have a new,
happy life here. But I always worry about their mother's fate. They neglect and abandon puppies.
So will they take good care of the mother dog? I can only pray for their mother. Besides, there
are people who want to adopt them. But they only want to adopt one of them. It was really a
difficult decision for me. I don't want them to be apart. I want them to grow up side by side. They
can love and protect each other. They love each other like the first day I found them. Here they
also have new friends. I will try my best to let them have a fulfilling life. Thank you for
accompanying us. Goodbye and see you in the next videos.

 The rescuer is going to keep the three puppies inside the shelter she works for. Thank you so
much for taking good care of the three siblings. I'm sure they will be very happy to live together
with the rescuer. There are bad guys who never think of the poor mother dogs and their little
puppies. There are also good people who always think of the happiness of stray dogs. I sincerely
wish the rescuer and the three puppies lots and lots of happiness and good luck and health. I
also hope that they will have happy lives together for as long as possible. May their future days
be merry and bright. Please God bless them all.

※desperate: ① feeling or showing that you have little hope and are ready to do anything without
        worrying about danger to yourself or others
        ② (of a situation) extremely serious or dangerous
※mange: a skin disease that affects mammals, caused by a parasite
※fungal: of or caused by fungus
※fungus: any plant without leaves, flowers, or green coloring, usually growing on other plants or
     on decaying matter. Mushrooms and mildew 白カビ・うどん粉病菌 are both fungi.
※emaciated: thin and weak, usually because of illness or lack of food
※inflammatory bowel disease: 炎症性腸疾患

(Monday, February 19, 2024)

【Messages from Animal Rescue】 Released on February 19, 2024
《She covered her only puppy survived with her paw,
                      Her eyes full of fear, she trust no one!》
Help more Animal click here:
This poor little girl was brought to Praca by dogcatchers just before giving birth, and sadly she
gave birth in Praca. Only she knows how sad her life was, her eyes say it all.... Just imagine her
fear when they used a dogcatcher and dragged her on the street... But despite all of that stress
and fear she brought to the world 9 beautiful angels, but because of fear, suffering, pain, hunger
and dirt she started losing them one by one. They were dying in front of her and she didn't know
how to save them. Out of 9 babies just one was left... one brown snowflake a few days old.
※dogcatcher: (formal/animal control officer) a person whose job is to catch dogs and cats that
        are walking freely in the streets and do not seem to have a home

Welcome to Animal Rescue Channel! CHANGING THE WORLD! We will upload the stories OF
animals rescued and we do hope all the videos would be the best of inspiration, motivation
stories to people around the world to pay more attention to save animals from being stray,
homeless, neglected, abused or from difficult condition to give them better life and love. May
God bless all rescuers and everyone who always saved animals from any situation and we pray
for all animals.

 A sad life of a dark haired girl. This poor little girl was brought to Praca by dogcatchers just
before giving birth, and sadly she gave birth in Praca. Only she knows how sad her life was, her
eyes say it all.... Just imagine her fear when they used a dogcatcher and dragged her on the
street... But despite all of that stress and fear she brought to the world 9 beautiful angels, but
because of fear, suffering, pain, hunger and dirt she started losing them one by one. They were
dying in front of her and she didn't know how to save them. Out of 9 babies just one was left...
one brown snowflake a few days old. It is just too sad, and it's unbearable for her. She was saved
with one of her babies and I hope she won't lose her also. I promised her that no one will ever
hurt her again, and I am asking all of you to show her that she isn't alone. She is very afraid right
now, but I'm hoping that with a lot of love that fear will leave and never come back. Please let's
all get together so this sad mother wouldn't lose this baby as well.. Day 20: Hello from Lady and
her baby Freya! Both are doing great and mom is not scared anymore like she was! Day 70:
Good night from Lady and her puppy Freya! I went to visit them last night and they are adorable.
They are very cute and I love them a lot.. Thanks to my Marie they both are safe in pension but
they need a home. Day 90: Hello from our sweet Lady and her daughter Freya! Thank you Marie
for sponsoring them! Day 150: Lady went to the vet today.. She had a mild cough so I took her to
the vet immediately before it got worse,,, She is on antibiotics and she will get better soon.
《9 months later!》 Both of them, the mum LADY and daughter FREYA found their happiness in
Germany. I thought that Lady (mom) would never find a home cause she was so afraid.. And one
day a huge surprise, my Heike Fetzer found a home for the daughter in Germany, and she decided
to take the mom in foster care also in Germany and help her regain some trust in people. And
then something happened that made me cry, even now... With the love of my Heike Lady changed
just after 2 days... That is what happens when an animal feels true love and patience... She walks
on a leash now, she runs around and plays... There is no more trauma at all.. They also deserve a

 It must have been a very sad experience that Lady lost her babies one by one, and that she only
had one baby left she had to protect. It's only too natural that it took her such a long time for her
to get rid of her trauma. But I was so glad to know that both of them could start happy new lives
in Germany. What a wonderful life they will surely have there in the cold northern European country.
I sincerely wish them lots and lots of happiness and good luck and health. I also hope both the mom
and her daughter will be able to live together surrounded by good loving people. May their future
days be merry and bright for as long as possible. Please God bless both of them.

※pension: a small, usually cheap, hotel in some European countries, especially France

【Messages from Stray Furry Friends】 Released on February 18, 2024
《I Never Expected This from Stray Dog. Watch What Happened》
We keep doing our rescue mission despite the war in Ukraine! As more and more people flee the
country, more pets are left behind. Involving more volunteers, expanding our facilities, and
working hard, we try to save as many furry friends as possible. They are always in need of our
help. Please, Pray for Ukraine and our safety! Thanks for all the support! We could not do this
without you❤️
Please subscribe to our second channel
"Love Furry Friends - Rescue Channel "    / @lovefurryfriends

Hi! I am dog lover! There are more than 20,000 stray dogs in my region. Shelters are overcrowded
and don't take new dogs, so stray dogs have to survive on the streets cold winters and hot
summers… I help them as much as I can: bring them food and water, treat, vaccinate, spay and
neuter. I want to set an example to others to care for animals and to not be afraid to open your
arms for help and love! Hit Like and Subscribe if you like what I do!

 If you like what we do, please support us in our mission to help stray animals! Join us on
Patreon! In Ukraine, they drive around the city by car and when they find stray dogs, they get out
of their car to give them food and water. I can hear them say, "Wow, it's so yummy. Please give
me more. I'm starving. Can I go and bring my friends here too? Thank you anyway. I really thank
you. Are you coming to see me tomorrow too?" One of the boys gave the rescuer a gentle paw
without being told to "shake." The rescuer was very much surprised to see him do that for her.
Yes, dogs can understand who to trust or not. He decided she was the right person to trust.

 On February 24, 2022, Russia started invading Ukraine and the people in Ukraine have been
suffering from hard days since then. A lot of people ran out of the country with their pet animals
left behind. So those who love animals go around the city every day to feed stray animals. The
stray dogs are waiting for them to come and give them food and clean water. How can they be
so gentle like angels. I really respect their warm hearts. I sincerely wish all the people and stray
animals in Ukraine tons of happiness and good luck and health. I hope the cruel war will end as
soon as possible and that all the people and stray animals will be able to live happy lives. May
their future days be merry and bright. Please God bless them all.

(Tuesday, February 20, 2024)

【Messages from Animal Rescue】 Released on February 20, 2024
《I Heard The Puppies Crying And Slowed Down,
              The Mother Dog Hurriedly Followed And Begged for Help》
Help more Animal click here:

As we approached the desolate street, the sound of tiny cries caught our attention. My friend
and I exchanged worried glances. We knew that in this neighborhood, animals were often left to
fend for themselves, with little to no help from the community. We slowed down and looked
around, trying to locate the source of the sounds. That's when we saw her, a mother dog. She
looked weak and emaciated, but her eyes were fixed on us, as if pleading for our help. We
cautiously got out of the car and approached her. To our surprise, she didn't bark or growl at us,
but instead, she came towards us and licked our hands. It was then that we noticed the tiny,
helpless puppies lying under a nearby bush. The mother dog led us to her litter, and we saw that
there were six of them, barely a week old. They were lying in the scorching sun, whimpering
softly. We knew we had to act fast. We carefully picked up the mother dog and the puppies and
placed them in the car. As we drove to the veterinary clinic, the mother dog kept licking our
hands and looking at us with gratitude in her eyes. At the clinic, we learned that the mother dog
was severely malnourished and dehydrated, and the puppies needed immediate care and
attention. We made arrangements for their treatment and vowed to do everything in our power
to ensure their well-being. Day 3: The mother dogs left the clinic, they were taken to a
temporary foster home. Day 17: The tolerant mother dog always protects her children, she wants
her children to be really healthy. Over the next few weeks, with proper care and nutrition, they
began to thrive. The mother dog regained her strength, and the puppies grew bigger and stronger
with each passing day. Day 60: As we watched them play and grow, we couldn't help but feel a
sense of pride and joy. We had saved a family of innocent creatures from a life of suffering and
neglect, and in doing so, we had made a difference in the world. It was a small victory, but it
meant everything to us and to the mother dog and her precious pups.
※desolate: (of a place) empty and without people, making you feel sad or frightened
※fend for yourself: to take care of yourself without help from anyone else
※scorching: very hot
※whimper: to make low, weak crying noises; to speak in this way
※thrive: to become, and continue to be, successful, strong, healthy, etc.

Welcome to Animal Rescue Channel! CHANGING THE WORLD! We will upload the stories OF
animals rescued and we do hope all the videos would be the best of inspiration, motivation
stories to people around the world to pay more attention to save animals from being stray,
homeless, neglected, abused or from difficult condition to give them better life and love. May
God bless all rescuers and everyone who always saved animals from any situation and we
pray for all animals.

 As we approached the desolate street, the sound of tiny cries caught our attention. My friend
and I exchanged worried glances. We knew that in this neighborhood, animals were often left to
fend for themselves, with little to no help from the community. We slowed down and looked
around, trying to locate the source of the sounds. That's when we saw her, a mother dog. She
looked weak and emaciated, but her eyes were fixed on us, as if pleading for our help. We
cautiously got out of the car and approached her. To our surprise, she didn't bark or growl at us,
but instead, she came towards us and licked our hands. It was then that we noticed the tiny,
helpless puppies lying under a nearby bush. The mother dog led us to her litter, and we saw that
there were six of them, barely a week old. They were lying in the scorching sun, whimpering
softly. We knew we had to act fast. We carefully picked up the mother dog and the puppies and
placed them in the car. As we drove to the veterinary clinic, the mother dog kept licking our
hands and looking at us with gratitude in her eyes. At the clinic, we learned that the mother dog
was severely malnourished and dehydrated, and the puppies needed immediate care and
attention. We made arrangements for their treatment and vowed to do everything in our power to
ensure their well-being. Day 3: The mother dogs left the clinic, they were taken to a temporary
foster home. Day 17: The tolerant mother dog always protects her children, she wants her
children to be really healthy. Over the next few weeks, with proper care and nutrition, they began
to thrive. The mother dog regained her strength, and the puppies grew bigger and stronger with
each passing day. Day 60: As we watched them play and grow, we couldn't help but feel a sense
of pride and joy. We had saved a family of innocent creatures from a life of suffering and neglect,
and in doing so, we had made a difference in the world. It was a small victory, but it meant
everything to us and to the mother dog and her precious pups.

 It's so wonderful to see little puppies eat and drink and grow up. Now they're so big and they're
ready to be adopted by good loving families. The mother dog has done a great job. She
breastfeeded them and all of her 6 puppies grew up to be like furry Teddy bears. I sincerely wish
the mother dog and her puppies lots and lots of happiness and good luck and health. I also hope
they will have happy new lives with adoptive families. Please God bless them all.

※vow: to make a formal and serious promise to do something or a formal statemet that is true

【Messages from Animal Shelter】 Released on October 23, 2023
《The innocent puppy didn't know his mother was crying because of him》
We received a request for help for the mother dog Paola and her puppies. When we arrived, she
and the puppies were very hungry and needed help. It took a long time for them to fully recover
and be healthy, from that point on, their lives seemed to turn to a new, better and happier page.
They live the life they once dreamed of.

Is it true that the more developed our society, the more heartless we humans become? As more
and more dogs are being abused, abused and abandoned by humans. Dogs are our friends, they
are always loyal and love us unconditionally. Whether we are rich or poor, we are strong or weak,
they will be with us until the very end. Animal Shelters is a place where animal lovers can meet
and talk, listen to inspirational stories about dogs with extraordinary energy, and inspire people
to fall in love with them. If you can, please support the rescuers with the information described
under each video. We are working every day so that we humans have more love and faith in the
beautiful life.

 She was completely exhausted and had no milk. She cried and asked for help for days. But no
one stopped to help them. Her innocent puppy didn't know what was going on. He didn't know
what to do to help his mother. I shed tears when I saw them like that. The mother dog couldn't
even stand up. The puppy seemed to feel his mother's joy. He kept kissing his mother. She also
stopped crying and thanked me. Turns out she has not 1 but 3 puppies. We found two more
puppies around. They are extremely weak and malnourished. Paola and this puppy were the most
serious. Paola and this puppy can't get up. Her whole body was just skin and bones. She
exhausted herself raising her cubs. Paola and her puppies receive special care. Nutritious food
was always fully prepared. In particular, this puppy had a different color. But they always feel
hungry and eat a lot. Harsh circimstances made them like that. She always thought I would take
the food away. Or it will be a long time before she has food. And chicken was their favorite dish.
1 week later, the situation was still NOT better. This puppy has not yet fully recovered. The boy
could not walk on his own. And the same goes for Paola, the mother dog. She must use a
wheelchair to get around. We were extremely worried about them. Why do they take so long to
recover? After 3 weeks, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. Paola and the puppies had made a full
recovery. They have been discharged from the vet. They can go anywhere with their feet. I
couldn't hide my happiness. The mother dog is exploring the house. Everything is new to them.
After 2 months, happiness came to them. One by one, the puppies were adopted. Good families
love and take good care of them. A good future awaits them. Do you recognize Paola? She was
different. She is much more beautiful and confident. She became a member of our family. The
best things are coming to her.

 It's been so lucky of you to be able to become a member of the resucuer's family. You're such
a beautiful dog, quite different from the weak mother when we saw you first. You must be a black
Labrador Retriever. One of your puppies is white. Maybe it's a white Labrador Retriever. Anyway
I'm so happy to see you all become happy and healthy dogs now. I sincerely wish you all lots and
lots of happiness and good luck and health. I also hope you'll be able to have happy lives with your
adoptive families for as long as possible. May your future days be merry and bright. Please God
bless Paola and all her puppies.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024)

【Messages from Paws Show】 Released on February 21, 2024
《Little Puppy Was Kicked Out Of Home, Crying Lonely For 2 Continuous Days》

Special thanks to: Evelyn Quispe Auccasi A heartless owner once drove Alessia away, forced her
entry into their home. Left outside, she endured two long, harsh days, hungry, thirsty, and
shivering in the cold. The poor puppy whimpered in fear, longing for a kind touch. Fortunately,
Alessia's luck changed when she was taken to a vet. The vet, translated by her plight, reassured
her, saying, "You are safe now, Alessia." The tiny creature was infested with ticks and fleas,
making her weak and anemic. With care and love, Alessia was given antibiotics to eliminate the
pests and nourishing meals to regain her strength. Under the vet's watchful eye, Alessia thrived.
Each day, she grows bigger and stronger, learning to trust humans once more. She discovered the
warmth of love and kindness, realizing that in this vast world, there were millions of hearts ready
to embrace her. Now, a beautiful and healthy pup, Alessia wishes everyone a good night, her spirit
resilient and full of hope.

※plight: a difficult and sad situation

 Meet Alessia, a brave little soul! A heartless owner once drove Alessia away, refusing her entry
into their home. Left outside, she endured two long, harsh days, hungry, thirsty, and shivering in the
cold. The poor puppy whimpered in fear, longing for a kind touch. Fortunately, Alessia's luck
changed when she was taken to a vet. The vet, moved by her plight, reassured her, saying, "You
are safe now, Alessia."
The tiny creature was infested with ticks and fleas, making her weak and
anemic. With care and love, Alessia was given antibiotics to eliminate the pests and nourishing
meals to regain her strength. Under the vet's watchful eye, Alessia thrived. Each day, she grew
bigger and stronger, learning to trust humans once more. She discovered the warmth of love and
kindness, realizing that in this vast world, there were countless hearts ready to embrace her. Now,
a beautiful and healthy pup, Alessia wishes everyone a good night, her spirit resilient and full of hope.

 Wow, she has grown to be a very beautiful girl, much bigger than the first time we saw her. May her
future days be merry and bright like on Christmas Day. I sincerely wish her and her rescuer lots and
lots of happiness and good luck and health. I also hope she will have a happy new life with the woman
who rescued her for as long as possible. Please God bless both of them.

※whimpered: to make low, weak crying noises; to speak in this way
※pest: an insect or animal that destroys plants, food, etc.
※resilient: able to feel better quickly after something unpleasant such as shock, injury, etc.

【Messages form Paw Squadron Stories】 Released on February 21, 2024
《Small Crying Puppy Changes Completely after being Rescued》
We are Paw Squadron and our mission is to rescue change the lives of all stray & abandoned
animals and find them proper homes and loving families. If you do like our content and what we
do, subscribe to our channel.

 He was sved by a couple of kids. They took care of him until we came. It took us 8 hours to
get there. He is probably an abandoned newborn puppy. Look how tiny he is. After a lot of
travelling, we made it home safe and sound. And it was time for his first shower ever. If you like
our content, subscribe to our channel. And if you wish to support our animal rescue, you can
donate (links in description). He liked the warm water so much. Then it was time for a proper
meal. The next day we went to the vet. We did a full check-up. The vet gave him anti-parastic
meds. He even received some hugs and play time. He will be staying with us until we find a place
he can feel safe and loved. Thank you for watching.

 He was lucky enough to be found by kids and rescued by an animal protecting group and taken
to the vet. He was such a tiny puppy and he was all alone with any other dogs near him. Where
was his mother? He must have wondered why he had to stay there without his mother. He
wanted to be breatfeeded by his mother. But now that he met nice people who would love and
care for him, he didn't have to feel lonely anymore. I sincerely wish him tons of happiness and
good luck and health. I also hope he will have a happy new life with the rescuer for as long as
possible. May his future days be merry and bright like on Christmas Day. Please God bless him.

(Thursday, February 22, 2024)

【Messages from Love Furry Friends-Rescue Channel】 Released on February 21, 2024
《Stray Dog with Broken Paw Made 1700 km to become Happy and Loved》
We keep doing our rescue mission despite the war in Ukraine! As more and more people flee the
country, more pets are left behind. Involving more volunteers, expanding our facilities, and
working hard, we try to save as many furry friends as possible. They are always in need of our
help. Please, Pray for Ukraine and our safety! Thanks for all the support! We could not do this
without you❤️ Please subscribe to our new channel "Stray Furry Friends" ...

Welcome to my channel! I am a dog lover and would do anything to help an animal in need. I live
in Ukraine, Its very cold in winter time and there are a lot of suffering dogs! I rescue abandoned,
homeless and abused dogs from the streets and find them suitable loving forever homes! I do all
procedures for the dogs with my personal funds and don't charge any fees for adoption! I want
to set an example to others to care for animals and to not be afraid to open your arms for help
and love! Hope you all enjoy!! Hit LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if this made you smile and want to see
more content !! Thanks :)

 Meet Bourbon.. You can watch his rescue story in our previous video. Bourbon was hit by a
car...his paw was broken... During check up X-ray showed broken bone and 8 bullets in his body.
Bourbon spent more than month at vet clinic and now we are taking him home. He learned how
to walk on a leash. He is still limping, but paw recovering very well. We took an adoption photo
shoot for him, and started search for the most caring family. If you like what we do, please
support us in our mission to help stray animals! Join us on Patreon! Bourbon is a very smart dog
with human eyes. We posted about him in social media. And kind family from Berlin contacted
us. Bourbon traveled 1700 km to become happy and loved. We're glad that we were able to
change the life of this dog.

 What does it mean that he had 8 bullets in his body? Someone chased him and enjoyed hunting
him? Maybe when he was running away from the cruel hunter, he must have been hit by a car.
If you're cruel to animals, you'll be hunted and injured by stray animals. I sincerely wish the boy
and the rescuer tons of happiness and good luck and health. I also hope that he'll be able to find
a good loving family to adopted him. May his future days be merry and bright for as long as he
can. Please God bless him.

Link【Messages from Animal Shelter】 Released on February 21, 2024
《Abandoned just after giving birth, the mama dog despaired when her puppies gone》
※despair: to stop having any hope that a situation will change or improve

The hikers found a new puppy on the side of a trail, they sent me the location and after many
hours we finally found her and her puppies. that. We will never forget that fateful day, the day
we met her and the day a new door opened for her and her puppies. Now they have a new,
better future.

Is it true that the more developed our society, the more heartless we humans become? As more
and more dogs are being abused, abused and abandoned by humans. Dogs are our friends, they
are always loyal and love us unconditionally. Whether we are rich or poor, we are strong or weak,
they will be with us until the very end. Animal Shelters is a place where animal lovers can meet
and talk, listen to inspirational stories about dogs with extraordinary energy, and inspire people
to fall in love with them. If you can, please support the rescuers with the information described
under each video. We are working every day so that we humans have more love and faith in the
beautiful life.

 After 3 hours we finally found this dog's family. Scared skinny mother dog hugs newborn
puppies. The mother dog wanted to run away but couldn't. She couldn't leave her little puppies.
I burst into tears looking at the puppies. 4 puppies gone, they were too small. The remaining
puppies were breathing weakly. This place is deserted, it is a mountain trail. Why could they
leave the mother dog here? Just a little food for a dog that just gave birth? Bringing them out
brought tears to my eyes. How can a domestic dog survive here? The mother dog's condition
was extremely serious. She was dehydrated and postpartum infection. In her eyes there was
only endless sadness. She hugged the remaining weak puppies tightly. The priority then was
for the puppies. At that time we had 5 boys and 1 girl. Among them was an extremely weak
puppy. Medicines need to be chosen very carefully. Besides, we prioritize breast milk for them.
Mother dogs should limit the use of antibiotics. Those were long days for all of us. It's been 3
days and the situation is not positive. The mother dog was silent all those days. She knows
and feels the loss. She always lies down and is so moody. Her eyes break the hearts of those
who see her. It wasn't until the 5th day that she got out of bed. Then, sad news happened to
us again. The weakest puppy went to the rainbow. That continued to wear her down. And her
condition took a turn for the worse. The infection becomes more serious. A surgery has taken
place. After surgery, she wanted to hug the puppies. Why do so many challenges come her way?
Who was her previous owner? She wouldn't have to suffer if she had a good owner. She was
especially attentive to that nurse. The next day, she was able to eat again. We believe she will
get through all of this. Amelia had enough milk to feed the puppies. They are extremely healthy
and beautiful. Her eyes were also different. I no longer see sadness and despair there. Her
heart was slowly healing. And this is her spiritual medicine. And finally I saw her beautiful smile.
It was like sunlight. She came home to live with us. She gave the puppies a good new life. They
were adopted by kind families. A beautiful future awaits all of us. Thank you for following this
wonderful journey.

 At first Amelia gave birth to 9 puppies and she lost 4 of them. She was a gentle mother, so
she was extremely sad to lose her 4 angels. But the remaining 5 puppies grew up in good shape
and encouraged their mother. At that time her life started to change gradually. She might feel
a little bit sorry to live apart from her 5 puppies, but they can't always live with their mother.
They have to be independent in their own families. I sincerely wish Amelia and her 5 puppies
lots and lots of happiness and good luck and health. May their future days be merry and bright
like on Christmas Day. I also hope they will have happy new lives with their families for as long
as possible. Please God bless them all.

※deserted: ① (of a place) with no people in it
       ② left by a person or people who do not intend to return

※postpartum: connected with the period after the birth of a child
※prioritize: to treat something as being more important than other things
※moody: ① having moods that change quickly and often

  ② bad-tempered or upset, often for no particular reason
※wear down: to make someone or something weaker or less determined, especially by dontinuously
        attacking or putting pressure on them or it over a period of time
※attentive: listening or watching carefully and with interest

(Friday, February 23, 2024)

【Messages from Paws Show】 Released on February 23, 2024
《I Was Broken Because Heard The Cries
            And Begging of 7 Little Puppies That Were Thrown In The Forest》
7 little puppies were thrown into the woods, in a carton. We only found them after hearing their
cries. 7 hungry little puppies. Puppies weigh more than 1kg. They are 3-4 weeks old. What did
their owners do? Inhuman. What did they do to their mother? The 7 little angels saw us and were
overjoyed. They clung to my feet and begged for help. The puppy was very hungry and ate a little.
They will be taken home. Fleas and ticks are removed. The angels are having a safe and happy
home. We are determined to never leave them alone again... Thank God for giving us these angels.

Welcome to PAWS SHOW Channel! We are simple fall in love with animals, we will share animals
videos, be entertained while they’re doing it, and feel empowered to help animals in need. We
also share animals rescue stories in many difficult situation then help them live a better and
happy life with all of love!! Thank you so much.

 7 little puppies were thrown into the woods, in a carton. We only found them after hearing their
cries. 7 little puppies were hungry. Puppies weigh more than 1kg. They are 3-4 weeks old. What
did their owners do? Inhuman. What did they do to their mother? The 7 little angels saw us and
were overjoyed. They clung to my feet and begged for help. The puppies were very hungry and
ate a little. They will be taken home. Fleas and ticks are removed. The angels are having a safe
and happy home. We are determined to never leave them alone again... Thank God for giving us
these angels.

 It's a very sad story, but maybe we all feel happy all the 7 puppies are in good shape. When I
see them eating so eagerly, we can feel very happy even though they don't have their mother
nearby. I sincerely wish them tons of happiness and good luck and health. I also hope they will
all be able to have happy new lives in the near future. May their future days be merry and bright
like on Christmas Day. Please God bless them all.

※carton: a heavy paper or plastic box or pot for holding goods, especially food or liquid;
     the contents of a carton

【Messages from Animal Shelter】 Released on February 22, 2024
《Crying and struggling in the snow, the puppy did not expect the tourist to do that》
It wasn't until two days later that we learned the story of the puppy named Aurora. When we got
there we found her lying in a cardboard box and very weak. We took her to the hospital and the
puppy's treatment lasted for 2 months, a happy ending finally came to this brave puppy after that.

Is it true that the more developed our society, the more heartless we humans become? As more
and more dogs are being abused, abused and abandoned by humans. Dogs are our friends, they
are always loyal and love us unconditionally. Whether we are rich or poor, we are strong or weak,
they will be with us until the very end. Animal Shelters is a place where animal lovers can meet
and talk, listen to inspirational stories about dogs with extraordinary energy, and inspire people
to fall in love with them. If you can, please support the rescuers with the information described
under each video. We are working every day so that we humans have more love and faith in the
beautiful life.

 A puppy cries and struggles in the cold. She kept trying to stand up but kept falling. This poor
puppy wanted to approach a tourist. A hard shoe toe caused this. It all happens in front of
tourists and cafe staff. No one cares, they just record it to get likes. And a staff put the puppy
in this box. Then it was all as if nothing had happened. When we found out, it happened 2 days
ago. The puppy was extremely weak at that time. Her cries broke the hearts of everyone there.
The puppy seems to be calling her mother. She suffered severe cerebellum damage. She also had
symptoms of convulsions. She can't feed herself and has to use a syringe. Every time she ate a
little, she vomited. Her life at that time was extremely fragile. She must then need to be monitored
24/7. It took 3 days for her to be out of danger. Then we noticed something wrong with her eyes.
We immediately took her for an MRI. Her facial nerve was damaged. And it affected her eyes.
"This girl will live with the darkness," the doctor said. How will she live the rest of her life? Every
time I think about this puppy I cry. But she always feels my presence. She will try to find a way to
get close to me. The girl will lean against the wall to walk. She loves to be caressed by me like
that. How sad her eyes are! That's how she learned to overcome fate. 1 month later, many tears
fell from her eyes. She is still there and strong as a warrior. She started to stand up and fall less.
Everyone admired this puppy's strength. Even though she's blind, it doesn't stop her curiosity. She
always tries to hear the outside world. Every sound, every noise makes her happy. We have also
reported her case to the authorities. Finding that tourist will take time. We don't understand why
he did that do a puppy. And why didn't the witnesses do anything? If she had help, her life would
have been different. We also couldn't find her mother. We thought she had lost her mother. After
2 months, she was discharged from the vet. 100% recovery is completely impossible. But
happiness smiled at this puppy. A kind woman wanted to adopt her. Taking care of a puppy like
her is not easy. But that woman poured all her love into her. She helps the puppy walk better. Our
girl has a new name, Aurora. Aurora is very happy that she has a family. That wonderful woman
will be Aurora's eyes. A new chapter in life is waiting for her.

 I'm very sorry that Aurora's eyes didn't recover at all. But luckily she found someone who would
live with her as her eyes. I sincerely wish her and her adoptive woman lots and lots of happiness
and good luck and health. I also hope they'll be able to live a happy life for as long as possible. May
their future days be merry and bright like on Christmas Day. Please God bless both of them.

※cerebellum: the part of the brain at the back of the head that controls the activity of the muscles
※convulsion: a sudden shaking movement of the body that cannot be controlled

【Messages from Animal Rescue】 Released on February 23, 2024
《She limped to me beside the highway road, so hungry,
                        alone and cold, approached asking for help!》
Help more Animal click here:

An abandoned poor dog in a horrible condition left by the trail... His leg is injured.. He's limping,
his hair is all matted... It smells like demodex... His nails are also awful.. I don't even know what
to write anymore... I know I can't rescue all the animals, ..but this is not a case that I can just
ignore and leave. Please help me, please! He is safe.. we are going first to grooming salon, his
hair was all matted and it was painful.
※matted: (of hair, etc.) forming a thick mass, especially because it is wet and dirty
※demodex: ニキビダニ

Welcome to Animal Rescue Channel! CHANGING THE WORLD! We will upload the stories OF
animals rescued and we do hope all the videos would be the best of inspiration, motivation
stories to people around the world to pay more attention to save animals from being stray,
homeless, neglected, abused or from difficult condition to give them better life and love. May
God bless all rescuers and everyone who always saved animals from any situation and we
pray for all animals.

 An abandoned poor dog in a horrible condition left by the trail... His leg is injured... He's
limping, his hair is all matted... It smells like demodex... His nails are also awful... He is walking
to us and look at me with sadness eyes as if "Please help me, please." How has this dog
managed to stay alive there with many dangerous on the highway.. Day 1: The poor neglected
dog is rescued.... I immediately take him to the groomer to get a haircut cause his hair was
all matted and it was painful! He was a bit scared at first but then he relaxed... He realized
that we were all just trying to help him... The reason he's limping is that all four of his paws
look like they were burned! I have no idea how that happened. Maybe cause he was walking
during very high temperatures... Poor, poor animal.... What pain he has endured and how awful
his life must have been! His nails are also horrible, we did clip them a bit we couldn't get them
just right, cause we didn't see how much can we take off! He's literally skin and bone, just
falling apart! If he stayed on the street for a few more days he would definitely die... We named
him is Alfie. He eat a lot of food very delicious like never eat before. I'm so happy when see
little Alfie eat foods. Tears on my eyes... You will never suffered like before... Day 3: Our little
hero who was found in a horrible condition has been at the vet today... He's in a really bad
shape... But he was lucky enough to be found and rescued.. So he was given a chance to
recover and forget all the horrible things he's been through before.. He is very young, around
a year old! We also noticed that he eats and drinks in a very weird way, and he drools a lot
while eating... We thought that he just didn't know how to eat, that he didn't have food or not
enough of it, but the vet said it was his teeth that were the issue, the teeth in his upper jaw go
over the teeth in his lower jaw. I never saw this before... But once he recovers maybe that
could be surgically corrected... We'll see... That really isn't important at the moment, right now
we just want him to be OK... His blood work shows severe anemia, but he'll get through this I
believe in him, I believe he'll be just fine! He's a little hero, he got some antibiotics! Only he
knows what's he been through... We'll do whatever we can so that he forgets all the pain and
the horrors. I can't wait to see him once he gains weight he weighs around 11kilos now and he
should have at least 20. Day 6: He is in a awful condition... His hair fell out all over his lower
part of the body... And he has some skin condition... He's barely standing up cause he's just
exhausted... He somehow came to a house in a village but he couldn't stay there.. We are on
the way to the vet cause he's obviously dehydrated and in a bad state! The poor little thing
stayed at the vet clinic... I don't even know how he's alive right now... When I pet him it's like
touching a bag of bones... It's horrible to think how much he suffered in life... We did a blood
panel and it shows severe anemia and some kind of an infection... He is extremely dehydrated.
We also did some more tests, laishmanina and giardia are negative and the 4th test is positive
for anaplasmosis.... The recovery will be long and I hope that we got to him in time and that it's
not too late.. Day 8: Our good Alfie is feeling a little better today! With the medicines he got
and with all the love from all of us, including the vet team there is a visible improvement! He
even fell in love with a girl who came to the vet for a check up! He is just skin and bone but
I am sure that he will recover soon and gain weight! He has the vitamins he needs the meds,
quality food everything he needs! I already love him and I believe he will be just fine! We'll work
on him gaining weight so that he can be strong again.. He has a good appetite but we are
feeding him a few times a day, because the poor thing hasn't eaten in a while and if we give him
10 kilos of food he would eat it all at once... He was starved! But he will be better... Thank you
everyone for helping him! Day 10: Alfie is recovering and his strength is coming back! I took him
for a walk and he was so happy he couldn't wait to sniff around and enjoy the day, as if he was a
newborn and everything was new and interesting... Poor tortured soul... I can only guess that he
was locked away somewhere for a long time... Cause he's so happy to see grass and everything
outside... I am sure that in time he'll be just fine... And today he practically took me for a walk
not the other way around. He was pulling me to walk! Here is still strength in this broken body
and he will recover thanks to all of you who support, what I do for animals and who know how
hard I try to do everything for them.... I love you all! Day 60: Little Alfie! Amazing transformation
in two months.. Rescued from Zenica in a horrible condition.. Skin and bone.. He had a lot of
issues. I even thought we would need to euthanize him cause he was shutting down and his
kidneys were bad.. But all the fight, not giving up, love, care, quality food and treatment paid off...
Look at him today! He gained weight, happy running around playing and loving everything and
everyone! At the end of month he'll be neutered and ready for his home that he has waiting for
him thanks to dear Louise! Thank you for everything Louise and Mette and all of you who helped
him in any way... Day 90: Before 3 months and now! Darling boy saved from Zenica is doing
amazing! I hope he will find a home fast! 《2 months later!》 Our boy Alfie now name Jamie, he is
now in loving home with his amzaing family... He is so happy! Thank you my Debbie and Emma,
Keri & Monika & Helen & Cheryl & Gillian and all of you! Who said miracles don't happen, they can
happen when good people get together.. Dear Jamie was on the verge of dying we even thought
he would need to be put down cause his kidneys were failing.. But we decided to fight and look
at this dear lion now... Wonderful dog.. A little love and care and happiness is all they need to have
a beautiful life... Thank you my Monika & Louise & Donna & Mette and SC for everything! And
everyone who support my animals and helping them! Thanks all for your alway support!

 I'm very sorry to say this, but some of the English telops to this video were quite hard to
understand. I'm also sorry to say that there are some grammatical mistakes in their English, but
the most important thing is to try the best for the suffering animals. Good job, Jamie. You really
have done a great job, which was so surprising. I sincerely wish Jamie and the good loving people
around him lots and lots of happiness and good luck and health. I also hope that he'll have a bright
future with gentle people around him. Please God bless him.

※weird: ① very strange or unusual and difficult to explain
     ② strange in a mysterious and frightening way
※drool: ① to let saliva(=liquid) come out of your mouth
     ② to show in a silly or exaggerated way that you want or admire someone or something
       very much
※saliva: the liquid that is produced in your mouth that helps you to swallow food
※laishmanina: リーシュマニア
※giardia: ジアルジア
※anaplasmosis: アナプラズマ症
※euthanize: to kill a sick or injured animal or person by giving them drugs so that they die without pain

(Saturday, February 24, 2024)

【Messages from Animal Shelter】 Released on February 20, 2024
《The dog that was tied up in the woods cried when reunited with her rescuer》
A woodcutter heard a dog crying and he followed the cry to help her. In the days that followed
we were amazed at what that dog could do, she did not give up and created miracles as she
gradually recovered and became happier. And what a beautiful ending when she was adopted
by that woodcutter.

Is it true that the more developed our society, the more heartless we humans become? As more
and more dogs are being abused, abused and abandoned by humans. Dogs are our friends, they
are always loyal and love us unconditionally. Whether we are rich or poor, we are strong or weak,
they will be with us until the very end. Animal Shelters is a place where animal lovers can meet
and talk, listen to inspirational stories about dogs with extraordinary energy, and inspire people
to fall in love with them. If you can, please support the rescuers with the information described
under each video. We are working every day so that we humans have more love and faith in the
beautiful life.

 A woodcutter found this dog in the forest. "I followed the crying sound and found this dog."
"She was tied to a tree with many injuries." And that woodcutter brought the dog here. He
applied medicine and gave her this blanket. The dog's body gave off a foul odor. Besides, she
couldn't walk or stand up. She was incredibly skinny. What really happened to this poor dog? Why
did they need to tie her up? There were thousands of questions asked to us. Her spine has no
fractures. So what caused this dog to become paralyzed? And the MRI results answered that
question. Her spine was infected. Neurological deterioration was 4 degrees. Pneumothorax and
heart problems. She always has difficulty breathing. And she was very afraid of needles. The
doctor believes that a blunt object caused this. Bruises, pneumothorax and spinal injuries. And
we understand why she was tied to that tree. They didn't want her to run away. But we still have
hope in treatment. Doctors believe she will be able to walk again. Those days were extremely
difficult days. There was a lot of sweat and tears shed. There was a time when she was
exhausted. But she didn't give up. And she created extraordinary things. After 1 month, she was
able to stand up and walk. However, her legs are still weak. We are very excited about what this
dog can do. That woodcutter often came to visit her. And that helped her a lot. Both her physical
and mental health are healing. However, the invisible fear is still there. Some nights she still has
nightmares. She often barks loudly when she has nightmares. Every time that happens, we just
hug her. And we also had a special gift for her. The toys people bought for her helped her. It
makes her happier and more active. Notably, she also became stronger. But that's not the special
gift I'm talking about. But that woodcutter was a gift for her. He carried her a kilometer out of the
wood. Even though her body smelled bad at that time. And he put medicine on her. He is this girl's
new companion. You know what, she couldn't hide her joy. She seemed afraid of losing this
wonderful man. She kept walking around and hugging him. We were very emotional at that moment.
Look at the look she gave him. She was discharged to start a new life. She was given a new name,
Aurora. She was like a child next to him. She hugs him whenever she can. We reported her case
to the authorities. They are still in the process of searching. I really want to know who left her in
those woods. And I want to ask why they do that. And there is no doubt that Aurora will be safe.
This man will protect her for the rest of his life. Everything is like magic for Aurora. Thank you for
following this wonderful journey. Good bye and see you soon.

 Aurora is so lucky to have met a big gentle woodcutter and have been carried to the vet after
walking as long as 1 kilometer. She had never forgotten his warm heart that helped her life. I'm so
happy to know that the gentle woodcutter loved Aurora and decided to adopt her and live together.
I sincerely wish her and her adoptive father lots and lots of happiness and good luck and health. I
also hope Aurora and her adoptive father will live happily for as long as possible. May their future
days be merry and bright like on Christmas Day. Please God bless both of them.

※foul: ① dirty and smelling bad ② very unpleasant; very bad
※odor: a smell, especially one that is unpleasant
※neurological: 神経性の relating to nerves or to the science of neurology
※deterioration: 悪化・低下
※deteriorate: to become worse
※pneumothorax: 気胸
※blunt: without a sharp edge or point
※bruise: a blue, brown, or purple mark that appears on the skin after someone has fallen,
     been hit, etc.

【Messages from Animal Shelter】 Released on February 14, 2024
《"Save me" the paralyzed dog cried loudly next to the ditch with the heavy chain》
We burst into tears when we met Pickles next to a ditch, the dog was exhausted and was found
by a man. What he went through after that was tumultuous and it seemed like we couldn't get
through it. With all our efforts, we rose up and gave Pickles a new chance and a new, better life.

※tumultuous: ① very loud; involving strong feelings, especially feelings of approval
         ② involving a lot of change and confusion and/or violence

Is it true that the more developed our society, the more heartless we humans become? As more
and more dogs are being abused, abused and abandoned by humans. Dogs are our friends, they
are always loyal and love us unconditionally. Whether we are rich or poor, we are strong or weak,
they will be with us until the very end. Animal Shelters is a place where animal lovers can meet
and talk, listen to inspirational stories about dogs with extraordinary energy, and inspire people
to fall in love with them. If you can, please support the rescuers with the information described
under each video. We are working every day so that we humans have more love and faith in the
beautiful life.

 This poor dog is trying to get out of the chain. A chain was tied tightly around him. When I
arrived, he was almost motionless. His eyes were red and wet with tears. This dog was desperate
and scared. When I loosened the chain, he panicked. He almost fell into the ditch, I quickly caught
him. There was a huge wound on his back. Luckily he didn't roll down there before I got here. His
eyes were red from crying too much. What really happened to this dog? He had a high fever and
had a seizure. Doctors tried to lower his body temperature. We stayed up all night the night
before. His temperature had returned to normal. But fatigue was still evident on his face. And
there was still fear in his eyes. I comforted him with some food. Did you see the mark on his neck?
It showed he had been chained for many years. Doctors said his neck was injured. But that's not
the reason he can't walk. Both of his hind legs couldn't move. Caused by spinal damage. Like a
hard object impacted multiple times. We understand why he cried so much. The boy could hardly
sleep because of the pain. He had to take high doses of painkillers. What happened greatly
affected his psychology. Difficulties have continuously come to us. He had intermittent fevers of
unknown cause. Besides, he legs often tremble. We decided to take him for an MRI. And the
conclusion made us cry. He has myelomalacia. It is necrosis of the spinal cord due to trauma. It
is the main cause of this dog's paralysis. We are trying everything to help him. Not only physically
but also mentally. There was no way to treat this disease. We are consulting from the best doctors.
We hope that a miracle will come to this dog. We wonder who caused all this. He was unable to
urinate on his own. It all depends on our support. Those were extremely stressful days for us.
Ulcers appeared on his thighs. We have reported his case to the authorities. We really want to find
out who is behind it. This dog is definitely not a stray dog. And he's probably been chained all his
life. This dog just wants to live in happiness. He is very gentle and always shy. What did he do
wrong? Definitely not. Their fate always depends on us. If they're wrong, it's probably just one
thing. They put their love in the wrong person. Every day, he feels better. The ulcers have gradually
healed. Pickles is the new name for him. He will be discharged from the vet soon. And we don't
find out who caused these things. We will leave everything behind and move on. Pickles has also
left his fear behind him. We returned home to start a new life. I always want to bring the best
things to him. Happiness was evident on his face. When he's better, I'll buy him a wheelchair. And
he will be able to go where he wants.

 Frankly speaking, I wanted God to give Pickles a good chance to become able to walk normally
again, but happiness doesn't always come form perfect health. In the future he will get a wheelchair
which will take him around in his garden and the areas around his house. I sincerely wish him and
his rescuer tons of happiness and good luck and health. I really hope he will be able to have a
happy new life for as long as possible. May his future days be merry and bright like on Christmas
Day. Please God bless Pickles and all his friends.

※intermittent: stopping and starting often over a period of time, but not regularly
※myelomalacia: 脊髄軟化症
※necrosis: the death of most or all of the cells in an organ or tissue caused by injury, disease,
      or a loss of blood supply
※trauma: (psychology) a mental condition caused by severe shock, especially when the harmful
     effects last for a long time
※ulcer: a sore area on the outside of the body or on the surface of an organ inside the body which
    is painful and may bleed or produce a poisonous substance